About Page Update + Live Upcoming Event


Hi all! I finally filled in the about page with some history of projects as well as a actual list with links of all the dumb things im working on and am excited about. BUT WAIT THERES MORE.

Im busting out some weird shit with my old business partner in crime Glenn + the Survive Your Friends crew at an anime convention here in Massachusetts called PopCult Anime Con. We will be onsite for Saturday only and will be presenting 2 very special panels.

First we have a fun group effort called Erik & Glenn’s PowerPoint Hootinany! As you can put two and two together, it involves some friends all taking 10 minutes to present a powerpoint to a live audience about A N Y T H I N G. I’m sorry ahead of time.

Second after that will be WIZARD COUNCIL. Thats all I’m telling you because its that bleeding edge technology of stupidity that can not be put into words.

so with that we hope to see you LIVE AT POPCULT ON AUGUST 24th 2024.